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Auxiliary Association

Since 1960, The St. Francis Memorial Hospital Auxiliary has assisted the hospital by supporting patients, staff and visitors. We have provided funding for equipment through our Gift Shop operation, HELPP Tickets, raffles, and the sale of cookbooks for approximately $1,000,000

The Auxilliary has approximately 350 members run by an executive committee of the following volunteers:

President: Lorraine Finn
1st Vice: Marianne Keyko
2nd Vice: Teresa Prince
Treasurer: Maxine Smaglinskie
Recording Secretary: Joyce Lorbetskie
Public Relations: Marianne Keyko
Correspondence Secretary: Heather Poliquin
Membership: Teresa Prince
Favours: Rita Belaskie
Social: Theresa Chapeskie
Photography & Historian: Bearnadette Dudack

If you wish to become a Member: Contact Theresa Prince at 613-756-1085 or Hospital Gift Shop: 613-756-3044, ext. 260

The Auxiliary Gift Shop is located in the lobby near the main entrance of the hospital. We offer a wide range of gifts, clothing, religious Articles and miscellaneous items. All Purchases are tax free

Free parking with purchase over $10.00

The Gift Shop is open every day from Monday to Saturday from 9:00 a.m to 3:00 P.M