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General Resources

Renfrew County Connections
Information on the West Nile Virus
Breathing Easier
Canadian Diabetes Association

Palliative Care

By mail: Call 1-888-910-1999 to have a copy sent to you via letter mail.

Power of Attorney Kit Online
By Mail: Call 1-800-366-0335 to have a copy sent to you via letter mail.

In person: Any of our local "Government Information Centre" offices carries the Guide of Advance Care Planning as well as the Power of Attorney Kit.


Connect with local health care services in Renfrew County; Ottawa; Prescott and Russell; Stormont, Dundas and Glengarry; North Lanard and North Grenville.

  • Health Care Facilities
  • Health Care Professionals
  • Support Groups
  • Home Health Care
  • Clinics and Classes
  • Disease Associations

Consumer & Patient Health Information Section (CAPHIS)
Centers for Disease Control
Drug Information


Diabetes Canada

Heart and Stroke

Ontario Federation for Cerebral Palsy
Women's Health Matters
American Hemochromatosis Society
Karolinska Institute Library - Sweden
Lifeline Systems of Canada
Mayo Clinic Health Information

McMaster University
Health care information resources

Merck Manual of Medical Information - Home Edition
Based on the Merck Manual of Diagnosis & Therapy

National Institutes of Health

NHS Centre for Reviews & Dissemination
University of York (UK)

Ontario Ministry of Health and Long Term Care

Ottawa Carleton Rehabilitation Network
Excellent link for brain injuries i.e. traumatic acquired CVA

Osteoporosis Society of Canada
Renfrew County and District Health Unit
Advanced Care Directives
Power of Attorney

Eligibility for Cancer Screening in Ontario

Eligibility for Cancer Screening in Ontario There are 4 cancer screening programs in Ontario. Please see eligibility for each program below. If you have any questions or concerns about your eligibility, contact your primary care...

Kids Come First Vaccination Clinics

We know that the past few years have made it difficult for families to keep up with the routine vaccines needed to protect children and youth from disease and to keep them healthy. In response, the Population and Public Health Working Group of...