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Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO)

Best Practice Spotlight Organizations (BPSOs) are healthcare and academic organizations selected by the Registered Nurses’ Association of Ontario (RNAO) through a request for proposals process to implement and evaluate the RNAO’s best practice guidelines.

It is a dynamic partnership that focuses on making a positive impact on patient care though evidence-based practice. Requests for proposals are released every three years. The Best Practice Spotlight Organization (BPSO) initiative has been a great success. It provides support to organizations that have formally agreed to implement and evaluate multiple RNAO best practice guidelines over a three (3) year period.

First launched in 2003, the BPSO initiative is an off-shoot of the RNAO’s Nursing Best Practice Guideline program which began in November 1999 and has since spread across Canada and to countries around the world.

St. Francis Memorial Hospital has joined the Registered Nursing Association of Ontario (RNAO) in a collaborative partnership to become a predesignate hospital under the Best Practice Spotlight Organization initiative. 

This 3-year journey will assist the hospital in implementing research-driven, best practice guidelines to guide our patient care interventions. 

Best practice guidelines are created by RNAO using the most up-to-date healthcare and nursing research, and by implementing these guidelines, we ensure that we are providing the best possible patient care by our staff. 

The best practice guideline that we will be focusing on first is Transitions in Care.

Transitions in Care happen frequently during any patient-healthcare worker episode of care. An example is the transition a patient may make from being seen in the Emergency Department (ED), to then being admitted on our Inpatient Unit. The information that is exchanged between the members of the ED team and medical staff is a transition in care

These transitions are crucial as the quality of information exchanged is important in the successful care and outcomes for the patient. Implementing best practices during transitions such as these enables St. Francis to continue to provide exemplary patient care. For more information on RNAO and BPSO please visit https://rnao.ca/bpg/bpso