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Kids Come First Vaccination Clinic

We know that the past few years have made it difficult for families to keep up with the routine vaccines needed to protect children and youth from disease and to keep them healthy.

In response, the Population and Public Health Working Group of the Kids Come First Health Team joined together to connect children and youth to the care they need. The Kids Come First – Vaccinate and Up-to-Date campaign is here to make it easier for children and youth in the region to catch up on routine vaccines.

Families, caregivers, and patients are now able to start booking routine vaccine appointments using the Kids Come First Clinic Flow booking page!

To book an appointment, your child or youth:

  • Lives and/or goes to daycare or school in Ontario;
  • Is due for recommended vaccinations;
  • Does not have a family physician or pediatrician or a Primary Health Care nurse practitioner (PHC-NP)* or cannot easily access see their family physician, pediatrician, or PHC-NP.

Note that an Ontario Health Insurance Plan (OHIP) card is not required to book an appointment.


If you need help booking online, please call one of the following:

If you live in the Renfrew County and District Health Unit area, please call 613-732-3629 for an appointment.

Why are these clinics so important?

In the Eastern Ontario region, there is a large backlog of missed doses of childhood vaccines for children under the age of 17. These vaccines protect against diseases like measles, mumps, rubella, polio, pertussis, diphtheria, tetanus, meningitis, and chicken pox.

Getting vaccinated will help keep children and families healthy and help prevent disease outbreaks. Staying healthy will also keep everyone in school, work, and play settings where they can thrive and grow.

Who is involved in this project?

Members of the Population and Public Health working group of the Kids Come First Health Team are healthcare providers and organizations who are working together to improve the health of the entire population while reducing the health inequities among population groups.

Together, Public Health Units*, Community Health Centres (CHCs), and 2 physician-led clinics are working with CANImmunize, an Ottawa-based technology company specializing in immunization software, to make it easier for families to book appointments for routine pediatric vaccinations and address the current vaccination gap.

Participating members include:

  • Centretown Community Health Centre
  • ConnectWell Community Health
  • East Ottawa Kids Care Clinic
  • Ottawa Public Health
  • Rainbow Valley Community Health Centre
  • Renfrew County and District Health Unit