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Health Records

The Health Records Department at St. Francis Memorial Hospital oversees the collection, storage and retention of patient health records. It respects and maintains the confidentiality of all patient personal health information in its custody.

Health Records is responsible for the release of patient health information, including providing copies of health records to authorized persons. It also helps patients gain access to their hospital health records once discharged from hospital.

For more information about Health Record Services, please reference the Frequently Asked Questions section.

For more information about how St. Francis Memorial Hospital collects, uses and discloses patient health information, please refer to the Patient Privacy Section of this site.


How do I get a copy of my medical records?

A: You must request this in writing by completing the Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information form (above).  The completed form (with an applicable fee) must be signed, dated, witnessed and mailed to the address above. Please note that we have 30 days to respond to release of information requests.
My parent(s) or relative/friend would like his/her records be sent to his/her family physician. How can I access these records?

A: Your parent(s) or relative/friend will have to personally request this in writing by completing the Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information form. The PDF form is available at the top of this page. The completed form must be signed, dated, witnessed and mailed to St. Francis Memorial Hospital at the address above. There will be no fee charged for information being released directly to the Family Physician. Please note that we have 30 days to respond to release of information requests.
My relative would like her/his record forwarded to a new doctor but is unable to sign a release form. How can I get access to these records?

A: An authorization must be issued by the patient’s Power of Attorney for Personal Care or Legal Next of Kin to request records. The request must be in writing, stating why the patient is unable to sign a consent form. The Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information form must be completed, signed by the patient’s Power of Attorney for Personal Care or Legal Next of Kin, dated, witnessed and mailed to St. Francis Memorial Hospital at the address above.
My friend passed away and the family would like his/her records for insurance purposes. How can the family access these records?

A: The Estate Trustee must sign the Consent to Disclose Personal Health Information form. The completed and signed form along with a copy of the legal document naming the Estate Trustee for the deceased patient should be mailed to St. Francis Memorial Hospital at the address above. Please note that we have 30 days to respond to release of information requests.
Why is there a fee for obtaining personal health information?

A: Fees are collected for processing purposes, which include retrieval and photocopying. For a complete list of fees, please contact us at (613) 756-3044 ext. 242
Can I copy the records myself?

A: Charts cannot be removed from the Hospital. Photocopying can only be performed by health records personnel.

Can I look at my medical record? It is mine, isn't it?

A: St. Francis Memorial Hospital employees will gather pertinent medical information in order to give you the best medical care possible. Since the Hospital is collecting, documenting, holding and maintaining the record, the record that contains this information belongs to the Hospital and will be accessed only in the most secure of settings. You may view your record in the presence of Health Record personnel and with the approval of the attending physician. An appointment must be made and fees apply.
Where is my health record stored?

A: Health Records for inpatients, emergency and outpatient clinics, are maintained by the St. Francis Memorial Hospital Health Records department. Other departments within the Hospital, including Diagnostic Imaging, and Lab maintain patient health records.

The Health Records Department at St. Francis Memorial Hospital oversees the collection, storage and retention of patient health records. It respects and maintains the confidentiality of all patient personal health information in its custody.

Health Records is responsible for the release of patient health information including providing copies of health records to authorized persons.  It also helps patients gain access to their hospital health records once discharged from hospital.

For more information about how St. Francis Memorial Hospital collects, uses and discloses patient health information, please refer to the Patient Privacy Section of this site.

How do I contact the St. Francis Memorial Hospital Health Records Department?

You may contact us either by mail, telephone or fax:

St. Francis Memorial Hospital
Health Records Department
P.O. Box 129
7 St. Francis Memorial Drive, Barry’s Bay, Ontario, K0J 1B0
Tel:  (613) 756-3044 ext. 277 or #242
Fax: (613) 756-0106