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Pastoral Care

Quiet Time or Meditation
If you or your family members wish to have time alone to meditate or pray, ask a nurse to direct you to our chapel, which is located on the Medical Care Unit (Active Care).

Mass Services
The chapel area is available to members of all denominations and patients and their families are welcome to attend celebrations of the Eucharist.

Sacramental Ministries
Sacramental services are important to many patients. Those of various denominations and faith can request their Priest or Minister to administer the sacraments.

Holy Communion
Available to patients upon request. Roman Catholic patients have the opportunity to receive Communion on Friday, Sunday and at the weekly service.

Sacraments of Reconciliation, Sick and Prayers for Healing
May be received by any patient during his or her stay.

A member of the Pastoral Care Team will visit you while you are hospitalized, or you may wish to have your Pastor or Priest contacted while you are in hospital.

If you desire spiritual support or comfort, please notify our Unit Clerk or nursing staff.